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Gelesen Oktober 2015

In Masse ein Buch mehr, für Klasse hilft Stiefvater aber nicht wirklich:

46. Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven Boys (Well, I didn't really like this elsewhere high praised piece. Already Lawhead spoilt Ley lines for me and this is most of the time a cliche packed story that could also be titled "The Famous Fives fooling arount with Ley lines". Although they are actually not four kids plus a dog, but four teens, an undead person and a raven.)
45. Hugh Howey, Shift (3rd and last part where we meet Juliette, Solo/Jimmy and the others again. But also because of a freezing technology Donald is still alive. Most questions get answers. And a lot is even more messed up than before. But it still has a hopeful ending. I will read more from Howey. Not for the happy end though.)
44. Hugh Howey, Dust (This part kind of explains why the people from the first novel "Wool" ended up in the Silos. At first I found it boring, but it gets better and better. Many questions are still open in the end though.)


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