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Gelesen Januar 2014

Month of trilogies (although I haven't finished "The White Rose" yet.

* Glen Cook, Chronicles of the Black Company - The Black Company/Shadows Linger/The White Rose (Hui. Devastation, wars with massive bodycount, endless campaigns with nearly forgotten purposes & sorcery. The start was hard, but along the story it gets better and better. This books remind me - and not only me - of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, but to be fair: Cooks books are older than Eriksons. I probably read some more of the books, but I hope the story develops a bit more.)

* Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games / Catching Fire / The Mockingjay (Probably reading these books is closing a gap in my education. I was suspicious about Collins because of all the hype. Also Richard Bachmann's "The Long Walk" raised the bar quite high for dystopian stories where young adults fight for their lifes in games to entertain the opressed masses. Collins took the old roman principle of "panem et circensis" very serious and wrote an entertaining story. I admit, I sometimes did not get along very well with the main character Katniss. But after the first book with a more or less expectable ending, the story became more interersting, as Collins denies the usual black and white scheme. Although Katniss plays here role - or is forced to do so- most of the time, she breaks out of it and did some very tough decisions. Happy end? Well, kind of. Besides my problems with the main character I also found some parts boring that don't develop the story while other things could have used some more attention.)


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